Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Stylizing Characters, 3

Our third character design was to be based on Mark Twain. Having not yet designed an anthropomorphic animal yet, I chose to base the design on an owl (specifically an eagle owl). Though I believe it is the most derivative of the three characters I have designed thus far, I am fairly happy with the amount of personality I managed to give him, and how much he reflects Twain's persona.

Back to work...


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Stylizing Characters, Take Two

As promised, here is the second installment of my character design class. We had less time than this one, and overall I'm not as happy with it, but it isn't bad. There are a couple issues in the mouth/nose, as I got a little too focused on inventive ways to create a mouth (opting for a suggestion of one in the jagged cupcake wrapper). I feel that the design would be strengthened overall had I just not attempted to justify a mouth, and just kept the eyes. This time we had to pick either an object or an animal, write a new bio, and pick a new celebrity inspiration.

Next week: Mark Twain as a yet-to-be-determined animal.



Friday, January 14, 2011

Stylizing characters, 1

In the first post of what will be eventually be a four post series, I have included a little packet that I had to put together for my Stylizing Characters in 3D class. The assignment was to write a short biography of a character from a given image (the bully) and then collect reference images to develop a character based on any celebrity (Tom Hanks).

The idea was to attempt to characterize both images, while defining and realizing our characters on more of an emotional level before the design process begins. I have also added a couple pages of my development of the character which mostly consist of doodles and thumbnails.

